Click2mail Story

Founded in 2003, provides Web browser-based tools for creating, personalizing and proofing mailpieces and for acquiring, building, and managing mailing lists. Our system virtually eliminates the need for sorting, labeling, applying postage, and transporting to a post office and does it for not much more than the cost of postage alone. In short, mail made easy.

Key to our success is the fact that we are a trusted and accredited partner of the world’s largest, longest serving, and most successful organization dedicated to the delivery of letters and packages to businesses: the United States Postal Service (USPS). Each year the USPS delivers more than 200 billion pieces of mail to more than 144 million homes and businesses.

Whether it is a simple postcard addressed to 25 or a ten-page Certified letter with a Return Receipt to 5000, you can compose, address, and send your mailpieces anywhere on the planet without leaving your chair. No one else offers a comparable collection of products or services or a more comprehensive history of specific Industry experience.

Good news:
Some think conventional mail is dead

Where some see the decline of direct mail, we see a resurgence. Why? Because the rush to digital media makes the mail we do get that much more obvious. We believe that those willing to pinpoint smart applications, to test approaches, and cultivate quality lists have the potential to reach the unreachable, the customers and prospects who are otherwise lost to the current flood of digital information.


Our Mission

To bring our customers the best conventional mail through the invention and adaptation of unconventional technologies.

To that end we are continually forming partnerships, researching and investing in systems that bridge the worlds of digital and hardcopy communications.

Interested in Exploring Partnership Opportunities?
Reach out to us..
Write to us:

E-mail [email protected]
Fax 703-358-811

Talk with us:

Toll free 866-665-2787,
Phone 703-521-9029

Meet us in person:
3103 10th St N, Suite 201,
Arlington, VA 22201-2191
Hours: Mon-Fri, 9AM to 8PM Eastern Time

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From the Blogs

In the modern business world, finding new ways to make your direct mail campaigns more effective while saving time and money is not just important – it’s a must if you want to maintain a competitive edge. But it’s easier said than done. The good news is that technology today provides new tools for businesses who want to take advantage of the power of direct mail marketing without dealing with the high costs and headaches. Integrating your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system with your direct mail efforts can do just that. This article will explore the latest trends in CRM and direct mail integration, showing you how automation can streamline your processes, make your campaigns more targeted, and ultimately help your business thrive. Trend #1: Industry-Specific CRMs Industry-specific CRMs are specially designed […]

The post CRM and Direct Mail Integration: Emerging Trends and How Businesses Can Take Advantage appeared first on Click2Mail Blog.

December 31, 1969
Inside Click2Mail

In this article, we'll explore various strategies to optimize the timing of your direct mail efforts. You'll learn how to leverage event-based direct mail, integrate your CRM system to automate timely deliveries, and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. Let’s get started.

The post How to Optimize Direct Mail Campaign Timing appeared first on Click2Mail Blog.

December 31, 1969
Inside Click2Mail

Variable data printing (VDP) is a digital printing technique that personalizes each piece of a print run uniquely. This method can revolutionize a business's marketing by allowing each printed piece to speak directly to the recipient, potentially increasing engagement and response rates significantly.

The post What Is Variable Data Printing (VDP) and How Can It Help Your Business? appeared first on Click2Mail Blog.

December 31, 1969
Inside Click2Mail