Every Door Direct Mail

Mail to every address in the neighborhood WITHOUT a list. Every Door Direct Mail / Retail, a new program from the United States Postal Service allows you to saturate local neighborhoods with large-format mailers for the incredibly low postage rate of 18.7 cents per piece. SAVE MORE on POSTAGE--let Click2Mail do it all for a postage rate of 16.2 cents! You choose local neighborhoods and Click2Mail.com prints the correct number of mail pieces and mails them for you, or optionally ships them to you prepped and ready to drop off at the Post Office, or as a thrifty do-it-yourself kit.
Product Sizes
EDDM Mailer 6.25 x 11 This product qualifies for Non USA Addresses
This extra-wide horizontal postcard format gives you plenty of room to include multiple images and plenty of advertising copy too. POSTAGE SAVING BONUS--Let Click2Mail do it all and SAVE 2.1 CENTS per mailer!! Ideal for retail promotions and panoramic photo layouts.
Starting from $0.17 Click to open the product page -
EDDM Mailer 6.5 x 9 This product qualifies for Non USA Addresses
POSTAGE SAVING BONUS--Let Click2Mail do it all and SAVE 2.1 CENTS per mailer!! This traditional large postcard format EDDM mailer is easy-to-design and gives you all the room you need. Ideal for making coupon offers and providing driving directions to local events.
Starting from $0.15 Click to open the product page -
EDDM Mailer 8.5 x 12 This product qualifies for Non USA Addresses
This horizontal format EDDM mailer looks like a gigantic postcard and really gets attention! Lots of room for coupons, maps, product descriptions and colorful images. POSTAGE SAVING BONUS--Let Click2Mail do it all and SAVE 2.1 CENTS per mailer!! Ideal for announcing grand openings and other local events.
Starting from $0.22 Click to open the product page -
EDDM Mailer 8.5 x 11 This product qualifies for Non USA Addresses
This easy-to-design vertical format stands out in the mailbox, begging to be read. POSTAGE SAVING BONUS--Let Click2Mail do it all and SAVE 2.1 CENTS per mailer!! Great for letter-sized notices, menus or mini-catalogs.
Starting from $0.16 Click to open the product page